Rolling the Dice

With years of experience in the digital marketing space, I've identified an opportunity for  smaller brands to take control over their digital footprint. 

Emerging brands have an incredible advantage over even the most recognized Fortune 500 companies, and that is agility. Large brands are often encumbered by the weight of bureaucracy and strategic planning is hampered by multiple departments with contradicting agendas. Smaller brands, on the other hand, have the ability to respond quickly to changes in the competitive environment, and this allows for more creativity and innovation.

Today, digital marketing makes speed both a virtue and a cost effective solution for smaller brands.  And so I started DICE, a digital marketing agency that empowers emerging brands. Our DNA is built upon hard work, innovation, and an innate desire to be challenged.  At DICE, we promise to challenge ourselves and our partners to roll the dice, and to always, always stay curious.